ZSF Zrenjaninski Socijalni Forum



Zakasnili ste, svuda smo – Diskusije o radikalnom pokretu i društvenim borbama u Grčkoj

Slobodarska grupa Burevesnik i Zrenjaninski socijalni forum vas pozivaju na događaj posvećen radikalnom pokretu i društvenim borbama u Grčkoj, koji organizujemo zajedno sa drugovima i drugaricama iz Grčke.

Novi Bioskop Zvezda

Terazije 40, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

Subota 24. septembar / 2016

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12:30č Uvod

13:00č Istorija i politika radikalnog pokreta u Grčkoj

Slobodarski pokret u Grčkoj se javio sa krajem vojne hunte i pobunom na Atinskoj Politehnici, 1973. godine. Razvoj pokreta su obeležile različite faze i događaji, poput uspona skvoterskog pokreta tokom devedesetih i dvehijaditih i, pre svega, pobuna iz decembra 2008, izazvana policijskim ubistvom Aleksandrosa Grigoropulosa. Danas je anarhistički/antiautoritarni/autonomni pokret heterogeni prostor u kojem egzistiraju različite radikalne kritičke perspektive i borbe.

16:00č Borba radnika fabrike Vio.Me i borba protiv rudnika zlata na Halkidikiju

U kontekstu rastuće nezaposlenosti u Grčkoj, radnici fabrike građevinskih materijala Vio.Me iz Soluna su odlučili da ne pristanu na gubitak posla i zatvaranje svoje fabrike. Podržani od strane širokog pokreta solidarnosti, radnici su se organizovali, transformisali i samostalno pokrenuli proizvodnju. Fabrika Vio.Me, koja sada proizvodi sredstva za čišćenje, postala je simbol samorganizovanog upravljanja bez gazde, kako za pokret u Grčkoj, tako i širom sveta.

Ponovno aktiviranje rudnika zlata na severu Halkidikija 2011. godine pokrenulo je veliki talas protesta. Kanadska kompanija Eldorado Gold planirala je da uništi područje od 180 hektara šuma i zagadi tlo, vodu i vazduh. Protesti protiv egalomanskih projekata su nasilno zaustavljeni od strane policije. Uoči izbora 2015. levičarska partija Siriza je podržavala proteste. Šta se desilo po dolasku Sirize na vlast? Kakva je trenutna situacija?

19:00č Antifašizam i solidarnost sa migrantima i izbeglicama

Napadi i ubistva migranata koje su prošlih godina počinili (ne isključivo) članovi neo-fašističke partije Zlatna zora su samo jedan od pojavnih oblika rasizma sa kojima se društvo i radikalni pokret u Grčkoj suočavaju. Takođe, politika zatvorenih granica EU menja okvir političke borbe koju aktivisti vode na svakodnevnom nivou. Kako drugovi i drugarice u Grčkoj izlaze na kraj sa ovim, na koji način se organizuju i koje su mogućnosti za zajedničku borbu?

21:30č Žurka – Lokacija žurke će uskoro biti najavljena!

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“You are too late, we are everywhere”
The radical movement and social struggles in Greece.

Libertarian group Burevesnik and Zrenjanin Social Forum invite you to an event about the radical movement and social struggles in Greece, organized together with comrades from Greece.

12:30h Introduction

13:00h History and politics of the movement in Greece

The libertarian movement has been developed in Greece since the end of the military junta and the uprising at the Athens Polytechnic in 1973. After that, the development of the movement has been marked by distinctive phases and events, such as the rise of the squatting movement in the 1990s and 2000s, and especially the December 2008
uprising after the police murder of Alexandros Grigoropoulos. Today the anarchist/anti-authoritarian/autonomous movement is a heterogeneous space with different radical social critique and struggles in Greece.

16:00h Struggle of workers of the Vio.Me factory and against the goldmine in Chalkidiki

Within the context of a rising unemployment in the Greece workers from the factory Vio.Me in Thessaloniki decided not to accept the lost of their job and the closing of their business. Supported by a wide solidarity movement workers organized themselves, transformed and started a production on their own. The now soap producing factory Vio.Me became a symbol for Greece and international movement of a self-organized management without boss.

The reactivation of the Gold Mine in the north of Chalkidi, Greece, in 2011 started a big wave of protests. The Canadian company Eldorado Gold planned to destroy the area of 180 hectares of forest, contaminating the ground water and polluting the air. Protests against the large scale projects were stopped violently by the police. In the run-up of the elections in 2015 the leftist party Syriza supported the protests. What happened after Syriza coming into power? What is the situation now?

19:00h Anti-fascism and solidarity with migrants and refugees

The attacks and murder of immigrants within the last years (not just) committed by members of the neo-fascist party Golden Dawn are just one of the expressions the Greek society and the radical movement are faced with. Also, the closed border politics of the European Union changes the framework for a political fight for activists nearly on an every day base. How are comrades in Greece dealing with this, what and how are their organized and what could be possibilities for a common fight?

21:30h Party – to be announced – the location will be announced soon.

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